Hall of the Dino Validators


"I wanted to set up my own validator for the longest time but was always afraid of getting slashed. Glad to finally get mine running!"


"Its good to know that I can generate pure ETH rewards without having to worry about getting rugged."


"Decentralisation and censorship resistance are important to me. Its about putting my ETH to work in a way that aligns with my values."


"Even though rewards are not smoothed across all customers, I actually like that there's a base rate plus the chance to get a windfall bonus reward!"


"My validator proposed 7 blocks since I started and I can see that the block rewards are getting larger after the merge."


"Though I am somewhat confident of running my own validator, I don't mind outsourcing the maintenance to the experts at Stakesaurus."


"Looking forward to my first block proposal and get them juicy MEV bribes"


"Its good to know that I can generate pure ETH rewards without having to worry about getting rugged."


"My setup required more time due to limitations with my broadband provider but the Stakesaurus team was very patient in helping me overcome the hurdles."


"I woke up to a $500 block reward recently. Hoping for a large MEV block during a hot mint soon!"


"I tried to set up a validator on my own but was stuck for some time so having someone to guide me along the process was super helpful."


"My home network requirements... Stakesaurus went above and beyond to make sure all my devices continue to work seamlessly!"


"Stakesaurus helped me set up the ultimate (trust-less) trust fund for my fur kid. Now the passive income pays for his favourite treats!"

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